The spirit of Khadi

Khadi is India's tribute to self-reliance, ingenuity and the arte-scienza duo of creating textiles. This is as ancient as the creation of clothing itself - with it being handspun and of course, hand-dyed with natural dyes, hand woven. The whole process of it being handled entirely by humans doesn't stress the yarn much and results in a rugged, durable texture which will keep you warm in the summer and cool during the winter. Most of the sarees in this collection have been dyed using natural dyes and pigments that do not impact the environment negatively- Indigofera tinctoria for indigo, Acacia catechu for brown, Terminalia chebula (harda) and Punica granatum (pomegranate rind) for yellow, and Onosma echioides (kasimi) for grey. Red, made of non-toxic alizarin, a by-product of coal tar (making it the only dye not of plant-origin)

Regular price Rs.5,700.00 INR
Regular price Rs.3,400.00 INR
Regular price Rs.3,800.00 INR
Regular price Rs.3,800.00 INR
Regular price Rs.120.00 INR
Regular price Rs.3,200.00 INR
Regular price Rs.4,850.00 INR