Sukravaram Pattucheera

  • Our 'Sukravaram pattucheera' is an attempt to capture the charm of a simple customary Friday saree. Fridays are considered to be auspicious, and women adorn simple silk sarees, light in weight and easy to drape, in vibrant, bustling colours, with turmeric smeared feet, Vermillion on their foreheads, Jasmine in their hair. This Friday, wear your sukravaram pattucheera, and smile :) These  beauties come in two variants - with checks and plain. They're all priced between ₹3000 and ₹3400/- Simple, easy on the pocket ?
    #themaggamcollective #maggamcollective#silksaree #fridaysareeswag
Regular price Rs.2,450.00 INR
Regular price Rs.2,350.00 INR
Regular price Rs.120.00 INR