
Banarasiya is a limited edition collection from Kashi or Banaras - a place everyone will fall in love with. On our soujourn last month, we couldn't but help fall in love with the old world charm this place oozes, and of course the handwoven silk sarees the place is famous for. Colours as bright as the spirit of the people there, designs as intricate as the cultural melting pot this ancient city is, these sarees are sure to wind their way into you heart like the city's deep winding lanes!
Regular price Rs.6,200.00 INR
Regular price Rs.900.00 INR
Regular price Rs.1,600.00 INR
Regular price Rs.1,100.00 INR
Regular price Rs.1,100.00 INR
Regular price Rs.120.00 INR
Regular price Rs.1,100.00 INR